15 December 2009

We made it!

Many days, bus rides, bug bites, beautiful views, and sore muscles later, I am thrilled to say that we made it through Caracas, through Puerto Ordaz, Santa Elena, and to the top and back to the bottom of Roraima. The group we were with was fantastic- two Australians, a Dutch girl and a Polish girl, along with several guides and porters. It was absolutely spectacular, and you will soon be getting many stories and pìctures.

We are now in Ciudad Bolivar, where we will be catching a five person plane to Angel Falls tomorrow. In the meantime, there are 10 meter tall statues of Simon Bolivar, the Orinoco River, and botanical gardens that must be explored in this city before our pending departure.

I just have a moment on the internet right now, but I just thought I would let you all know that we are safe, having a fabulous time, and I wish I could just stick you all in my giant backpack and hike you to the top of the falls.

Hasta luego, espero que sepan que los extraño mucho. Cuidense y escribire mas tarde.

1 comment:

  1. Tap, Tap, Tap...is anybody there? This blog is surprisingly quiet, and we know there are adventures to be described! Feliz Navidad!
